BTO – Buy Tourism Online 2012

Sergio Cagol

Business and Innovation Trento RISE

Having obtained his degree in Electronic Engineering and his Master’s in Information Technology at the Politecnico di Milano, he began working for Sodalia, then for Exper Automation and for Informatica Trentina.

In 2009, Sergio began work at Trentino Marketing S.p.A. as the online communications manager. Specifically, he was primarily occupied with the management of the official Trentino tourism portal, with social media marketing, and with the planning and development of mobile applications about tourism directly tied to skiing in the region.

In September 2012, he began his collaboration with Trento RISE in the area of Business & Innovation, working with ICT innovation projects in the tourism sector (but not only).

On his Twitter profile, Sergio says he’s hooked on social media and really enjoys his work, managing to combine passion and fun.

Sergio Cagol
Business and Innovation @ Trento RISE

Sergio su Twitter Sergio su Linkedin

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